Palm Sunday
View recorded Mass on 4.April.2020 after 06:00 P.M
Recordings will be available also for Good Friday Liturgy on 10th April after 02:00 P.M. and for Easter Service on 11th April after 06:00 P.M.
Today’s celebration is the opening scene of the drama of Holy Week. It points us to the two central acts that brought us forgiveness and new life: Jesus’ death and resurrection. We begin by acclaiming Jesus as our victorious King as we hold our palms for he will overcome sin and death at Easter. However, to win this victory, he chose to pass through suffering and death, as we are told in the story of his passion. We have some days of glorious happiness, of success and joy, but also sad days of contradiction and failure. Today we look at them in the light of the Lord. With him, we live the happy days, with him we experience sad days, but whether sad or joyful, in all of them we try to follow the Lord. Walking with him through the sadness and darkness of the Corona Virus and its effects in so many different ways and on so many people all over the world