11th Sunday of the Year (c)

This Week’s Liturgy Calendar.

Ordinary Season of the Year. (c)

Weekdays – Year 2


Sunday 12th June:          11th Sunday of the Year. (c)

The first reading is from the second Book of Samuel. We hear how King David is challenged by the Prophet Nathan with regard to his behaviour. He admits his sinfulness and repents. Nathan assures him of God’s forgiveness.

The second reading for the next four weeks is from the Letter to the Galatians. In today’s section, St. Paul stresses that all his commitment and strength in following Christ comes from his belief in the union he has with Christ.

In the Gospel passage from St. Luke, a woman who has a bad reputation in the town interrupts a meal hosted by a leading Pharisee for Jesus. Aware of her sinfulness, she approaches Jesus humbly and as a result receives his forgiveness and compassion. In doing this, Jesus shows he is ‘the friend of sinners’ and confronts the Pharisees for their hardness of heart.

Monday 13th June:        Memorial of St. Anthony of Padua.

He was born in Lisbon in 1195, originally being called Ferdinand. He changed his name to Anthony when he joined the Friars Minor. He was very inspired after a visit to Assisi where he met St. Francis. He became for his preaching in Italy especially in Padua where he lived for the last few years of his life. He was only 36 when he died.

Tuesday 14th June:        Tuesday in 11th week of the year.

Elijah now confronts Ahab again for his lack of faith and his turning to the pagan gods and their prophets instead of remaining true to the God of Israel. He is warned of the punishments to come for him but he relents and seeks repentance that is given but the punishment will come upon his heirs in time to come.

In the Gospel, Jesus presents another strand of his radical teaching His followers must now love their enemies. God makes no distinction but awaits the conversion of the sinner. They have to strive for the same degree of perfection.

Wednesday 15th June:            Wednesday in 11th week of the year.

          We move to the second book of the Kings and the end of Elijah’s period. We read about the succession of Elisha and how Elijah picks him as his successor

          Three religious practices had a very high priority for the Jews – almsgiving, prayer and fasting. Jesus warns against carrying any of these out with any kind of attention seeking or showiness.

Thursday 16th June: Thursday in 11th week of the year.

The first reading today is from the Book of Sirach. It is a great hymn of praise in honour of Elijah, summing up all that he has done climaxing with his being taken up to heaven in the whirlwind. Elisha now takes over his role and begins to carry on his work.

Having given some instruction on how to pray Jesus now gives a concrete example with what has become known as the Our Father.

Friday 17th June:           Friday in 11th week of the year.

          We now move south into the southern kingdom of Judah for our next series of readings. The kingdom was still ruled by descendants of David but efforts were being made to eliminate the line of David mauinly through the mother of King Ahaziah. She tried to bring the worshop of the pagan god Baal in to the life of the people but this was overtuned by a combination of the military and the priests who ministered in the temple.   

The final section of Jesus’ sermon gives us some very practical advice concerning the pursuit of holiness. Don’t depend on earthly treasures. They are fragile. Seek the things of God and store them up.

Saturday 18th June:       Saturday in 11th week of the year.

          The second Book of Chronicles which provides our first reading gives us an account of the reign of King Joash . Initially he was a good king but once the prophet Jehoida died he came under the influence of the pagan gods through his son. The king expelled and then killed the son so God punishes him for the murder he committed.

                      Jesus gives us more practical advice about Christian living. Believe that the Lord is looking after us all the time. We are worth so much to him.



Sweet Heart of Jesus,

Fount of love of mercy,

Today we come,

Thy mercy to implore.