15th Sunday of the Year (c)

Ordinary Sundays of the Year (c)

Weekdays – Year 1


Sunday 14th July:         Fifteenth Sunday of the Year.  (c)

          The first reading is an encouragement to follow the Law of God.  It is not something beyond our understanding or knowledge.  It should be in our hearts and in our words.

The second reading is a hymn of praise written by St. Paul to the people of Colossae.  He stresses and praises the divinity of Jesus and his role as the one who reconciles and heals.

The Gospel passage Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan.  It brings us right to the heart of what the Christian life should involve – both love of God and love of neighbour.   You cannot have one without the other.

Monday 15th July:        Memorial of St. Bonaventure.

          He was born in Viterbo in Italy in 1221.  He became a Franciscan at an early age, studied theology in Paris and taught there for many years.  He was a close associate of St. Thomas Aquinas and wrote many books on mystical theology.  He became Bishop of Albano.  He was appointed a Cardinal by Pope Gregory and was a prominent participant at the Council of Lyons which, for a short time, healed the schism between the Greek and RomanChurches.  He died in 1274.

Tuesday 16th July:        Tuesday of the fifteenth week of the year.

          The story we hear today begins us on the journey of Moses.  It is meant to illustrate God’s care for his chosen one and it explains how a Hebrew child receives an Egyptian upbringing.  Moses grows into a man of great integrity, promoting justice amongst the Egyptians and his own people.

In spite of his miracles, the people still do not accept Jesus as Messiah.  They will not listen.  Jesus shows his sadness at this in what he says – their towns would suffer more than Tyre, Sidon and Sodom.


Wednesday 17th July:   Wednesday of the fifteenth week of the year.

          Moses is out in the wilderness, looking after his father-in-law’s flock when he had the vision that transformed his life forever.  In the burning bush, which did not burn, he is called by God to bring his people out of Egypt.

Jesus prays in thanksgiving to his Father, as the Almighty Creator and Lord of the Universe.  The ordinary people respond to this more than their leaders.  Jesus gives thanks for them and their willingness to accept him as Son of God.


Thursday 18th July:      Thursday of the fifteenth week of the year.

          In the vision at the Burning Bush, Moses was sent to free his people.  He is told God’s name – ‘I Am who I am.’  This conveys the idea that God of Israel is always present among his people to guide them and assist them.

Jesus offers hope and courage to the ordinary people who are open to his message.  Their leaders had made their religion a heavy burden, reducing it to a list of rules and regulations instead of it being a living faith with openness to others.


Friday 19th July:

          Pharaoh is finally persuaded to let the People of Israel go free.  Their last act in captivity is to eat the Passover. Moses gives the detail of how this ritual meal is to be celebrated.

We are given another example of the Pharisees putting the letter of the law before the spirit of the law. They make laws that are almost impossible to keep in relation to the Sabbath.

Saturday 20th July:      Saturday of the fifteenth week of the year.

The Israelites begin their march out of Egypt after so many years of slavery there.  Everything had to be done in a hurry but their God was with them.

The Pharisees begin to plot against Jesus.  Jesus seems to give in to them.  He withdraws.  It is in fact the opposite.  He does not enter into endless debate.  He lives his mission of raising up those who are bowed down, encouraging and supporting the weak and oppressed.