3rd Sunday of the Year (c)

Ordinary Season of the Year. (c)

Weekdays – Year 2


Sunday 24th January:              3rd Sunday of the Year (c).

The first reading is from the Book of Nehemiah. Ezra, the priest, proclaims the Word of God in a powerful manner. The people, reunited after exile, and rebuilding their lives, listen to God’s word as the foundation of their society.

The second reading is from the first Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians. It contains St. Paul’s great teaching on the human body as an image of the Church. The different parts and gifts that the believers have are to be used in the Church’s service.

The Gospel is the opening section of St. Luke’s Gospel. The first act of Jesus’ preaching ministry is presented to us a he sets out his Mission.

Monday 25th January:   Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul.

          Today we celebrate an event of great consequence for the life of the Church: the conversion of St. Paul. It was sudden and dramatic. From being a persecutor of the Church, he is transformed into an apostle of Christ. This was a turning point in the life of the early Christian community.   

Tuesday 26th January:             Memorial of St Timothy and St. Titus.

          These were two of St. Paul’s most loyal workers. Timothy was a convert and accompanied Paul on his second missionary journey. He left him at Ephesus and continued his work there. Titus was put in charge of the Church in Crete. Paul wrote two letters to Timothy and one to Titus. These are often referred to the ‘Pastoral Letters.’

Wednesday 27th January:       Wednesday in the 3rd week of the year..

          David wished to build a temple but the prophet told him that this was to be left to his son to do. David was promised that his line would last and from it would come the Messiah. This is a key point in the history of Israel.

Today’s Gospel gives us one of the clearest parables Jesus uses to preach of the kingdom.

Thursday 28th January:    Memorial of St. Thomas Aquinas.        

Thomas was born near Aquino in Italy in 1225 and died in 1274. He is one of the greatest of the doctors of the Church. He became a Dominican and devoted his life to teaching and preaching but above all, to a theological presentation of the truths of the faith. He studied under St. Albert the Great, taught in the University of Paris and there began his writing career. He produced many books and treatises especially on ‘The Eucharist’ but above all his ‘Summa Theoligica’ is regarded as a foundational work in theology. He is patron saint of scholars, universities and booksellers.      

Friday 29th January:      Friday in 3rd week of the year.         

We skip over the accounts of the various wars of David and the Israelites and come to the part of David’s life where he sinned. He caused the death of a beautiful woman’s husband with whom he was having an affair. He used his power to cover this all up.

Jesus uses a parable to try to answer a difficult question that exits until today. How good and evil can exists side by side?

Saturday 30th January:          Saturday in the 3rd week of the year.

David has sinned. Nathan the prophet talks with him about the seriousness of his situation. David acknowledges his guilt and repents he is pardoned but is punished with drastic responses including the death of his son.

          Jesus calms the waters in the Gospel. The disciples were trying to get away for some quiet reflection and prayer. Having faith is essential. With faith, Jesus can calm our deepest fears and anxieties.

The light of God surrounds us;

The love of God enfolds us

The power of God protects us;

The presence of God watches over us;

Wherever we are,

God is,

And all is well.