Ordinary Season of the Year (b)

Ordinary Season of the Year (2)

Sunday 3rd June:          Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity.  (B)

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, a feast that reminds us that God is not isolated or remote but is revealed to us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are given the opportunity to reflect on the very mystery of God, as a God who created, who redeems and who calls us to holiness.

The first reading is from the Book of Deuteronomy and is prayer of Moses reminding them of God’s deeds and declaring that there is but one God.

The second reading, from the Letter to the Romans, reminds us that we are all God’s children, co-heirs with Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit

The Gospel passage we hear how, from a mountain top inGalileethe disciples are given to preach and baptise in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Monday 4thJune:         Memorial of St. Charles Lawanga and Companions.        

St. Charles and his twenty-one companions are venerated as the first martyrs equatorial Africa.  They were natives of Uganda, a country first evangelised about 1880 by the White Father.  Only five years later, a savage persecution of the Christians broke out under King Mwanga.  Charles and his companions who were officials of the king’s court were arrested.  The group were martyred in 1886 and were canonised by Paul VI in 1964

Tuesday 5th June:                   Memorial of St. Boniface.     

Boniface was born in England and became a teacher and later a priest. He wanted to be a missionary and was eventually sent by the Pope to what is now southernGermany. He became Archbishop of Mainz in 747 and was eventually martyred in 754.

Wednesday 6th June:    Wednesday of the 9th week of the year.

           Timothy was a convert.  He travelled with Paul who left him in Ephesus.  The letter we start reading from is one of the Pastoral letters since they talk about the practicalities and issues emerging from the newly founded communities.  In today’s passge, Paul warns Timothy to be on guard against the false teachers who are also travelling around.  He is to buld on the faith given to him and use this to preach and teach fearlessly.

Another trap is laid for Jesus, this time by the Sadducees who had no belief in life after death. We hear how Jesus avoids their efforts to entrap him by preaching on marriage; it is to ensure life and is not necessary in eternity.

Thursday 7th June:       Thursday of the 9th week of the year.

          Paul reminds Timothy that he must not be afraid or try to avoid the hardshsips that will come his way. He must never be ashamed or embarrassed about his calling.

Still Jesus is subjected to aggressive questioning and efforts to trap him this time with a question about the commandments.  He reminds the questioners that if they were good Jews they would know the answer.

Friday 8th June:            Friday of the 9th week of the year.

          Timothy was finding it difficult to cope with the various false teachers who were springing up and undermining his teaching and authority. Paul encourages him by referring to his own efforts in the face of hardship and not to be afraid to use the scriptures.

Jesus reminds the scribes and Pharisees that he is of David’s line but more than that he comes from God who is David’s Lord.

Saturday 9th June:        Feast of St. Columba.

          Columba was born in Gartan inCountyDonegal in 521 into a family of royal lineage.  He became a monk at Clonard and was ordained a priest where he was trained by St. Finian. He began founding monasteries inDerry, Durrow and possible Kells before travelling toScotland and landing inIona.  From here, his monks travelled all over evangelising the local tribes and their kings.  His influence reached as far atNorthumbria. Iona became known as a place of pilgrimage and as a centre of missionary expansion.  He died in 597.

Glory be to the Father,

And to the Son,

And to the Holy Spirit,

As it was in the beginning,

Is now

And shall be evermore.
