Season of Easter (b)

Paschal Tide.    (B) 

Sunday 13th May:                   6th Sunday of Easter.  (B)

The first reading is from the Acts of the Apostles.  It tells of the Baptism of Cornelius, the first pagan to receive the grace of baptism.  This shows that God’s salvation is offered to all.

The second reading is from the first Letter of St. John. It contains one of the most important statements ever made about God. Love comes from God. God is love.

In the passage fromSt. John’sGospel, Jesus leaves his friends the supreme commandment of love.

Monday 14th May:                  Feast of St. Matthias.  

After Our Lord’s Ascension, Matthias was chosen by lot to fill the place of Judas among the Apostles.  His election is narrated in the Acts of the Apostles and, outside this, we hear no more about him in the New Testament.  Nothing is known of his martyrdom.  Legend says that he was either crucified or beheaded.

Tuesday 15th  May:                Tuesday in the 6th week of Easter. 

Paul is again in trouble when he casts an evil spirit out of a fortune-teller.  He was arrested, beaten and imprisoned.

Jesus tells his disciples not be sad because he is going away.  He repeats his promise of sending the Advocate who will show the world about sin, about who was right and about judgement.

Wednesday 16th May:           Wednesday in the 6th week of Easter.

          Paul travels to the great city ofAthens where he preaches to the Greeks.  He tries to show them that their statue to an unknown God was really one to the God about whom he was preaching.  As soon as he started preaching about the risen Christ, many of them laughed at him and refused to accept his teaching.

Jesus continues teaching the disciples about the work of the Advocate he is sending to them.  The Spirit of Truth will lead them to the complete truth.  He will help them understand more clearly the link between Jesus and the Father.

Thursday 17th May:     Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord.

          The Ascension of Jesus is the climax of his victory over sin and death.  It is a day of joy and hope.  Jesus wants us to share in his victory.  It is important to realise that he has not left us; he is still with us helping us in our struggles.

Friday 18th May:                    Friday in 6th week of Easter.

          Jesus was going to pass through his passion and death on the way to the joy of the resurrection.  The disciples would have to pass through the pain of separation from Jesus.  As a result, they become a little uncertain since they are aware how much it will be tested.

Similarly, the Church in our time is tried and tested daily, constantly renewing itself in the image of Christ. 

Saturday 19th May:                Saturday in the 6th week of Easter.

          When we pray, what do we want God to do?  Do we want to change Him so that he does what we want or do we seek his will for us?  Do we make time to listen to him in prayer?  Do we realise that as well as speaking to us in his word, in Christ, in the Gospel, he speaks to us in our personal history, the events of life, the people around us?