21st Sunday of the Year (b)

21st Sunday of the Year.  (b)

Times of Mass and Confession:

Sundays:                               Vigil Mass (Saturday) 6.00 p.m. & 10.00 a.m.

Weekday:                              9.00 a.m. (Monday – Friday)

10.00 a.m. (Saturday)

Confessions:                      After 10.00 a.m. Mass on Saturday.

Other times by arrangement.

Please remember the following parishioners, relatives and friends in your prayers:

Sick: Sally McDermott, Catherine Wilson, John McPartland, Mary McPheely, Annie O’Donnell, Molly Weir, Veronica Allen, Owen Docherty.

Anniv: Tom and Katherine Davis, Fr. Fitzpatrick O.M.I.

Today: Following on the debate concerning the status and understanding of the Church relating to marriage in recent weeks, the Bishops of Scotland have issued a letter on the subject of Marriage in which they announce that there is to be a Marriage Sunday each year and a new Commission on Marriage set up.  Please make sure you receive a copy of this important letter as you leave Mass today.

Today: The new Eucharistic Ministers’ Rota is ready for collection from the sacristy after Mass. Please note the date of the meeting mentioned below.

Sunday: Over the holiday period, some parishioners and one of the normal groups have agreed to run a reduced menu with teas coffees and biscuits/croissants available in the Hall after Mass. So why not go round to the hall and find out what is on offer. Normal service will resume next Sunday with the Fair Trade group in charge.  In the mean time many thanks to those who kept things going over the holiday period.

Sunday: Meeting in the Church at 2.00 p.m. for those new reader volunteers to learn about the role and what is involved. Existing readers are welcome to come as well to have an update and refresher course. This invitation is for weekday and weekend readers.

Tuesday: Meeting of Parish Pastoral Council at 7.00 p.m. in the house.  All members of the Council please make every effort to attend for this first meeting of the new session. Minutes of the previous meeting and the agenda for this meeting are in the sacristy ready for collection.

Thursday: Teas, coffees and biscuits have resumed in the house after 9.00 a.m. Mass.  All welcome.

Next Sunday: The annual pilgrimage at Carfin in honour St. Margaret takes place.  Fuller details are on the poster in the porch.

Next Sunday: The Children’s Liturgy will begin next Sunday.  If you have children of Primary School age then this is for them.  It is not a babysitting service or crèche but is a Liturgy with and for the children which mirrors the Liturgy taking place in the Church but is at the children’s level and in language they will understand. It is an opportunity for them to pray together as the adults do. Please encourage your children to come along and take part.

It is hoped to have a meeting of the existing members and the new members of the Children’s Liturgy team at 49 Craiglockhart Loan.  Those who expressed an interest via the recent census form will be contacted direct with more details. The date will be on the bulletin in due course.

Diary Dates:

3rd September: Meeting of new enquirers and R.C.I.A. team members in the house at 7.00 p.m.

9th September: Meeting for existing and new Eucharistic Ministers at 2.00 p.m. in the Church.  Please make every effort to attend.

17th September: Meeting of existing members of the Social Committee and those who expressed an interest in becoming involved on the census sheets.  It is a planning meeting for the year ahead so come along armed with ideas.

Spare a thought and a prayer for those priests who, today, are celebrating Mass for the last time with their parishioners before moving to a new parish.  It is a difficult time for all involved, physically, emotionally and spiritually. For better or for worse I am not moving on.  However, my status at Gillis is changing.  The Trustees have appointed a lay Director of Finance and have also decided there is no need for a Diocesan Treasurer.  Therefore once a handover period has been worked through I have been asked to step down.  This will be by the end of the year at the latest. The contact number at the top of the Mass sheet will no longer apply once that happens.  Hopefully it will give me more time for the two parishes and the two schools which I try to serve to the best of my ability at the moment.

Now that the holiday season is well and truly over, the information gathered in the census form is gradually being acted upon.  Please be patient if you volunteered for something and you have not been contacted yet.  You will be !

With every best wish and blessing

to you, your families and those

who are dear to you.

Monsignor Tony