29th Sunday of the Year (b)

This Week’s Liturgy Calendar.

Sunday 21st October:     29th Sunday of the Year. (B)

The first reading is from the Prophet Isaiah. He sees how the suffering servant will atone for the people’s sins through his death and resurrection.

The second reading is from the Letter to the Hebrews and we are reminded that Jesus knows what it is like to be tempted and so can help us to be strong.

The Gospel reminds how two of the disciples came to Jesus with what they think is a perfectly natural request. They find out it is not as straightforward as they thought.


Monday 22nd October: Monday of the 29th week of the year.

          All the first readings for the ordinary days of this week come from the Letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians. It is easier to understand it if we try to put ourselves in the place of the Ephesians. We were following the way of the world, we were in sin and this diluted our values, ideals and principles. God, however, was generous in his mercy to us, not through any work on our part but due to his love and goodness. Now we are God’s work of art.

The Gospel reminds us to be ever prepared for meeting Christ since ‘ as we live so shall we die.’ If we store up treasures in heaven, we will be prepared in the correct way.


Tuesday 23rd October:  Tuesday of the 29th week of the year.

St. Paul develops his thinking. The people were once without hope, immersed in a world without God. Now through the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus we have been saved and made one with Jesus. We are being moulded into the Lord’s house.

The Gospel repeats the message of being ready for the call of the Lord.


Wednesday 24th October:  Wednesday of the 29th week of the year.

St. Paul talks of his own unworthiness and surprise that God chose him to be an apostle. Therefore, he proclaims the message he has been given – you are all parts of one body.

Again, we reminded that we must be ready for the call of the Lord. – he will come when least expected so we must be ready at all times.


Thursday 25th October:           Thursday of the 29th week of the year.

Today we read a powerful prayer of St. Paul for his readers. May we be given the strength to grow strong so that Christ will live in our hearts. May we be filled with the utter fullness of God’s love.

Jesus reminds his disciples that following him will not be without difficulty – it will bring the need for sacrifice and may even divide families.


Friday 26th October:      Friday of the 29th week of the year.

          St. Paul urges his readers to live a life worthy of their calling as a member of the body of Christ, united with Christ as the head.

Jesus warns his readers about judging others. Try to read the signs and interpret the times.


Saturday 27th October:          Saturday of 29th week of the year.

          St. Paul reminds how we are parts of the mystical body each called to use the gifts we have been given to build up the body of Christ. If we live in truth and love then we all grow in Christ.

We hear again a familiar message in the Gospel passage – repent and turn again to Jesus. Just as the fig tree is given another chance so will we.



The light of God

Surrounds us;

The love of God

Enfolds us;

The power of God

Protects us;

The presence of God

Protects us;

The presence of God

Watches over us;

Wherever we are,

God is,

And all is well.