2nd Sunday of Advent (a)

This Week’s Liturgy Calendar. 

Season of Advent. (a)

Weekdays – Year 1


Sunday 4th December:             2nd Sunday of Advent (a)

In the first reading, from Isaiah (11:1-10), we hear about the coming of the Messiah and the kind of justice and peace he would bring.

St. Paul, in the second reading from St. Paul to the Romans (15:4-9) talks about the importance of hope and how we should treat others in the same friendly way Christ has treated each one of us.

In the Gospel, from Saint Matthew 3:1-12), we hear again the voice of John the Baptist saying to us what he said to his own contemporaries, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is close at hand.”


Monday 5th December:         Advent Weekday.

All this week, Isaiah gives great messages of comfort and hope to the people of Israel. Rejoice, have courage, do not be afraid. Your God is coming.

The people of Jesus’ time reflect the awe of the first reading – ‘we have seen great things today’ as Jesus carries out his mission of healing – one of the hallmarks of the Messiah.


Tuesday 6th December:          Advent Weekday.

The time for deliverance has come says Isaiah. The people have suffered enough and their sin is atoned for. The voice cries in the wilderness – Prepare the way of the Lord. The people will be returned safely to their homeland and that will show the power and the majesty of God.

This brief parable insists on the responsibility of the shepherd for everyone of his flock. So too God cares for each one of us. We are called to imitate him in this role.     


Wednesday 7th December:   Memorial of St. Ambrose.

He was born of a Roman Christian family around 339 when his father was an official in Gaul. He moved back to Rome and became a lawyer and eventually a consul in the region of Milan. He was named bishop by popular acclamation even though he was still a catechumen. Eight days later he was baptised and, after receiving further instruction, was ordained a Bishop He frequently had to defend the rights and freedom of the Church sometimes even against the emperor. A favourite saying of his was that ‘the emperor is in the church, not over it.’ He was known as ‘an apostle of charity, a reformer of the liturgy a director of souls.’ He died on this date in 397.


Thursday 8th December:         Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.          Today’s feast celebrates the perfect holiness of Our Lady. It affirms the church’s belief and teaching that Our Lady, from the very moment of her conception, was preserved free from all stain of original sin. In this way, she was prepared for her unique role in the work of redemption. Pope Pius IX instituted the feast when he defined the dogman of the Immaculate Conception on 8th December 1854.


Friday 9th December:              Advent Weekday.

Faithfulness is to be another sign of the new kingdom of the Messiah but the people have been unfaithful to God and gone their own ways. Therefore, they must repent.

Jesus is sad because the people have not recognised and responded to John’s efforts. If they had, it would have been easier for them to respond to Jesus and his preaching.


Saturday 10th December:       Advent Weekday.

          We have a reference today to the Prophet Elijah. Some regarded John as Elijah come back again.

In the Gospel, Jesus compares John to Elijah – just as Elijah was not recognised neither would John be. Like Elijah and John, Jesus himself would suffer at the hands of the people.

