2nd Sunday of Easter (b)

This Week’s Liturgy Calendar. 

Paschal Tide.     (B)


Sunday 12th April:                    2nd Sunday of Easter. (B)

We know how discouraged and passive the apostles and disciples of the Lord were when Jesus had died on the cross. When they realised that he had risen, they knew he was alive and present among them. Their faith in the risen Lord made them one in heart and soul, prompting them to care for another and support one another. What about us in our time and place?

The first reading, from the Acts of the Apostles, gives us a picture of the practical way in which the first Christians lived as a community.

The second reading, from the first letter of St. John, reminds us that Christians are all children of God and should show their love for God by keeping the commandments.

In the passage from St. John’s Gospel, we reminded how Thomas’ doubt was turned into faith by touching the wounds of Jesus.


Monday 13th April:                 The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord.

This is the feast which remembers the good news announced to Our Lady that she would become the mother of Jesus. Jesus is announced. He is the one who will come to do God’s will by being with us and saving us. It is also obviously Our Lady’s feast as well. Like Jesus, she shows her willingness to serve God and his people. ‘I am the handmaid of the Lord.’ May these be our words also.


Tuesday 14th April:        Tuesday in the second week of Easter.      

We know from disappointing experiences in our own lives how difficult it can be to be a real community. We are different people, with different personalities, ideas attitudes and potential. The great obstacle is ourselves. We want people to go our way. We impose our own views. In our Christian communities, there is one who can unite us in himself. It is Jesus, our model and Our Lord. We believe that we come together here in his name and for his sake. He is alive and present among us. He brings us together in one faith and one love. It is a lifelong task. Can we really be one heart and one soul in him?


Wednesday 15th April:   Memorial of St. Stanislaus.

          The feast we celebrate today is that of a man who was Bishop of Krakow in Poland in the 11th century.  Of noble birth, he did not consider his riches his own private property.  He used it in the service of his people, defended the poor, the oppressed, and spoke out against injustice.  He was a prophetic and courageous Bishop who ended up giving his life for the truth.  He was murdered as he was saying Mass. He is the patron saint of Poland.


Thursday 16th April:      Thursday in the second week of Easter.

          The core of our faith is that we owe a new life to Jesus in whom we are reborn. The Spirit, who is given to us without measure or restriction, should therefore prompt us to bear witness to Jesus and to his new life in us.


Friday 17th April:           Friday in the second week of Easter.

          A sign worked by Jesus and told in much detail by all the evangelists is the multiplication of the bread. In all the Gospels, it is a sign of Jesus’ sharing himself and more so a figure of Jesus continuing self-gift in the Eucharist. It is Jesus’ total self-giving on the cross – the sacrifice of Calvary.


Saturday 18th April:       Saturday in the second week of Easter.

          The apostles were looking for disciples to serve the material needs of the people. They are to be servants, filled with the Spirit of wisdom, who would see the needs and be just and fair in distributing the food and the help needed. The apostles set Stephen and his companions aside for this work.

The reading also reminds us that the first duty of the Church is the proclamation of the Gospel, the Good News. We are reminded that this Good News tells us that Jesus is always with his Church, in all time and in all places.



Alleluia, alleluia

He is risen as he said
