30th Sunday of the Year (c)

This Week’s Liturgy Calendar.

Ordinary Season of the Year.  (c)

Weekdays – Year 1


Sunday 27th October:                       30th Sunday of the Year.  (c)

The first reading is from the Book of Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) The author reminds us that working for justice is not enough; we also need to pray for it constantly. He reminds us that God is a just judge who shows no partiality to the rich or the powerful.  He listens to the prayer of the humble and the lowly.

The second reading is from the second Letter of St. Paul to Timothy. It is full of emotion.  He talks about the feelings of isolation that he has felt trough his life, when he had been persecuted, attacked.  In spite of that he does not feel along because he believes God is with him in Christ and that he will bring him to the heavenly kingdom.

Again Jesus tells a story which upsets the Pharisees since it turns they way they perceive things upside down. The story is aimed at those who thought themselves above reproach and looked down on those who were poor.  It is the self awareness and humility of the tax collector which sees him at peace with God.


Monday 28th October:                     Feast of St. Simon & St. Jude.

Very little is known about these two apostles.  Simon was called the zealous apostle and according to tradition he preached in Egypt.  Jude was called Thaddeus and according to tradition joined Simon when he came back from Egypt and both went to preach in Persia where tradition leads us to believe they were martyred.  Jude is popularly associated with being the patron saint of hopeless cases.


Tuesday 29th October:                      Tuesday of 30th week of the year.

St. Paul continues about the suffering we share with Christ. It is nothing compared to the glory that awaits us. Therefore, we should be filled with real hope.

The parable used today reminds us how the Kingdom of God begins in a very small way but grows to have a great influence.

Wednesday 30th October:      Wednesday of 30th week of the year.

The Spirit, about whom Paul has been speaking, is one that can help us in our weaknesses.  It can help us to pray even when we can’t think of the right words to use.

We are reminded, in the Gospel, that many will try to come into the Kingdom but will find it very difficult.  Just saying we know Jesus is not enough.  We have to do his works.

Thursday 31st October:                   Thursday of the 30th week of the year.

          . Paul finishes this section of his letter with a hymn to the victory of Jesus.  We should remember that God is for us and that Jesus, who died for us, is standing at God’s right hand pleading for us.  If we believe this, nothing can come between us and the love of God.

In the Gospel, we hear of Jesus’ great sadness about Jerusalem.  It is a city of which he is very proud, a city that lies at the heart of his tradition and history.  Its people have closed their ears to his message and refuse to accept him.

Friday 1st November:             Solemnity of All Saints.

          This feast is probably Celtic in origin. It is a feast which enables us to venerate those many saints who have not been formally canonised nor included in the Church’s calendar.  They are often known as ‘the anonymous saints.’  These may well include people we have known and loved in our own lives.  We are linked with them in the Communion of Saints as they now intercede for us before God.


Saturday 2nd November:        Commemoration of  All the Faithful Departed

As far back as the seventh century, it was the custom to set aside a day for prayers for those who have died. It was a Benedictine Abbot, St. Odilo, who set it on November 2nd following the lead of St. Augustine who stressed the need of praying for the dead outside their actual anniversary since they needed our prayers to reach heaven.



The light of God

Surrounds us;

The love of God

Enfolds us;

The power of God

Protects us;

The presence of God

Protects us;

The presence of God

Watches over us;

Wherever we are,

God is,

And all is well.