32nd Sunday of the Year (a)

This Week’s Liturgy Calendar.

Ordinary Season of the Year. (a)

Weekdays – Year 1


Sunday 12th November:           Thirty-Second Sunday of the Year. (a)

The first reading, from the Book of Wisdom, is a great canticle of praise in honour of wisdom itself. Wisdom can be found by all those who seek it.

St. Paul, in the second reading, consoles his converts at Thessalonika who are worried about their dead loved ones who have died before the return of the Lord.

The parable, in St. Matthew’s Gospel, urges us to be ready because we do not know the day or the hour of the Lord’s coming. It is a warning against complacency in our commitment to Christ.


Monday 13th November:         Monday of the 32nd week of the year.       

We move back into the Old Testament and to the Book of Wisdom. The first section of the book talks of the last and final things. Today’s extract begins with and exhortation to justice which the author describes as the key to all wisdom. Seek God and he will come to you.

In one short section of the Gospel, we are confronted with three basic areas of concern for the disciple of Jesus – scandal, forgiveness and the necessity of faith. Have faith, we are told, and you won’t give scandal. Learn to forgive as often as the other says sorry.


Tuesday 14th November:         Monday of the 32nd week of the year.

The Jews at this time did not have clear ideas about life after death. The author here believes that the just would have life with God forever because his mercy endures forever.

We reminded that without question we must do our duty in following Christ.


Wednesday 15th November:   Wednesday of 32nd week of the year.

Today’s reading comes from the end of the first section of the Book of Wisdom. The author reminds those with power where they get that power from. It is God who gives them any power they have. They will have to answer to him for how they have used that power.

Jesus talks about the need to include a prayer of thanksgiving when we pray, something that is easily overlooked.


Thursday 16th November:    Feast of St. Margaret of Scotland.

Margaret was born in Hungary in 1046. She was a relative of Edward the Confessor. When she was 24, she married Malcolm Canmore, the King of Scotland and bore him eight children. She was a good wife and promoted family values as well as promoting education and faith in her adopted country. She tried to ensure that priests came to all parts of Scotland and lived a life of prayer and austerity. She died in 1093 and is the secondary patron of Scotland, after St. Andrew.


Friday 17th November:       Memorial of St. Elizabeth of Hungary.

          Elizabeth was born in 1207, the daughter of King Andrew of Hungary. She was married and had three children. After the death of her husband, she led a life of poverty and spent her life caring for the sick in a hospice that she had built. She died in 1231, aged 24.


Saturday 18th November:        Saturday in the 32nd week of the year.

We have another extract from the Book of Wisdom. The author has been referring to many of the powerful actions in saving the People of Israel from the Egyptians who did not read the signs and understand the special relationship between God and his people. The author reminds the people that God will reward the good and punish the evil doer.

In the parable from St. Luke’s Gospel, the message is that of persevering in our prayer, following the example of the old woman with the judge.



          Remembrance Sunday.

They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them

Eternal Rest

Grant unto them

O Lord


Let perpetual light

shine upon them.

May they rest in peace.
