33rd Sunday of the Year (b)
33rd Sunday of the Year. (b)
Times of Mass and Confession:
Vigil Mass (Saturday) 6.00 p.m. & 10.00 a.m.
9.00 a.m. (Monday – Friday)
10.00 a.m. (Saturday)
After 10.00 a.m. Mass on Saturday.
By arrangement.
Please remember the following parishioners, relatives and friends in your prayers:
Sick: John McPartland, Annie O’Donnell, Veronica Allan, Margaret Christie, Irene Callan, Father Tony MacDonald,
Died: Deirdre Geoghan, Joan Henderson.
Anniv: Nora Corbett
Today: There is an important letter from Archbishop Cushley giving more information about the next stage of the consultation process concerning the restructuring process for the Archdiocese. It was received on Friday afternoon. Please make sure you receive a copy of this letter as you leave Mass this morning.
Sunday: The Tea/Coffee Morning takes place in the Hall after Mass. This week the Vocations Group will be in charge. Why not pop round after Mass for teas/coffee bacon rolls etc and also the chance to meet fellow parishioners?
The monthly draw for the 200 club will also take place.
Wednesday: “The Church Here and Now” is a series of four talks being hosted by the Newman Association, with speakers and dates as follows below. All are from 7.30 p.m. – 9.30 p.m. in St. Catharine’s Convent in Lauriston Gardens. The third session is entitled “The Church Here and Now” – with Archbishop Leo Cushley as the speaker. All welcome
Thursday: Mass of Remembrance at 7.00 p.m. in the School Oratory at St. Augustine’s . We will remember those who have passed away, and especially those who have a strong connection with St Augustine’s: former pupils and staff, and those connected to them. All welcome. Refreshments afterwards. Please inform the school of anyone related to St Augustine’s who has passed away and they will be added to the Book of Remembrance.
Saturday: Final Social Event for the Parish Projects. You are all invited to a Cheese &Wine Evening to be held at 119 Lanark Road West (Jim and Catriona Taylor’s home) at 7.30 p.m. We do hope that you will attend this social event as all profits will go towards the Parish Projects. Tickets are £7.50 to include a glass of wine and cheese tasting and are available in the Hall after Mass but in the meantime please put the date in your diary.
Saturday: Concert for St. Cecilia in the Cathedral at 7.30 p.m. featuring the Cappella Caeciliana from Northern Ireland and its founder members the world famous trio ‘The Priests.’ Admission is free with a retiring collection. More details on fliers at the back of the Church and the poster in the porch.
Next Saturday/Sunday the final retiral collection after Mass for the year takes place with the money going to the Archdiocesan Pastoral Formation Fund. This goes to meet some of the costs incurred at the Gillis Centre in the running of various courses.
Diary Dates:
24th November: The Annual Mass when we remember all our deceased relatives, friends and parishioners will take place at 7.00 p.m. See notice below for further details.
28th November: An opportunity to take Pope Francis’ climate call to the streets of Edinburgh. SCIAF, Justice and Peace and many others will be marching in Edinburgh to call on world leaders to take tough action on climate change. There will be an ecumenical service at 11am at St Albert’s University Chaplaincy in George Square. At 12 noon everyone will gather at the Middle – Meadow Walk, the Meadows to march to Princes St, Gardens beginning at 12.30.You are asked to come wearing your brightest colours. You can also display banners from your parish or group.’
29th November: The Blessing and Opening of the Edinburgh Christmas Crib in St. Andrew’s Square Gardens at 3.00 p.m. All welcome.
4th December: Haggis & Neeps Ceilidh Night with food provided but bring your own bottle. Dietary requirements met where possible. Tickets, priced £8.00 for adults and £3.00 for children are on sale after Mass. Since catering is involved and in order not to waste food, it is necessary to know how many are planning to come along so please get your ticket as soon as possible or at least book it.
This will be the final fundraiser for the Parish Project Fund which currently stands at £13,324.76, and it will be closed as soon as all monies are in. The total will then be divided between Calum’s Cabin and the Hospice of Hope in Myanmar.
Very many thanks to those who put so much work in to the recent Afternoon Teas. An incredible £670.15p was raised for the Parish Project Fund. Many thanks are also due to those who came along to support the event.
November is the month when traditionally we remember in a special way all our deceased relatives, friends and parishioners who have died. The Book of Remembrance will be at the back of the Church if you wish to add any names to it. The annual Mass of Remembrance will take place on 24th November at 7.00 p.m.
Job Vacancy: Pastoral Assistant – The Sacred Heart Parish in Lauriston Street is seeking to employ a full-time Pastoral Assistant (35 hours per week). Working with the Parish Priest, the successful candidate’s responsibilities will include the co-ordination and development of sacramental preparation, youth catechesis, adult education and communications, and supporting the work of volunteers in catechesis and safeguarding. Salary £20,000 per annum. For more information, visit www.sacredheartedinburgh.org
A new readers’ rota is in the process of being compiled. If you would like to offer your services as a reader you will be welcome. No previous experience is necessary since practices will be arranged.
With every best wish and blessing
To you, your families
And all those who are dear to you.
Monsignor Tony.