3rd Sunday of Easter (c)
Easter Season.
Sunday 10th April: 3rd Sunday of Easter (c).
The first reading today is from the Acts of the Apostles. We hear how Peter and the apostles are challenged because they preach Jesus crucified and risen from the dead. They refuse to be silenced even if the face of suffering.
The second reading, from the Book of Revelation, introduces the vision of heaven which St. John hoped would encourage the early Christians in the face of persecution and suffering.
The Gospel passage describes an appearance of the risen Jesus to seven of his apostles on the shore of the lake of Gennesareth. It is built around Peter who is given three opportunities to profess his love for Jesus, before being given the task of caring for the Lord’s flock
Monday 11th April: Memorial of St. Stanislaus.
The feast we celebrate today is that of a man who was Bishop of Krakow in Poland in the 11th century. Of noble birth, he did not consider his riches his own private property. He used it in the service of his people, defended the poor, the oppressed, and spoke out against injustice. He was a prophetic and courageous Bishop who ended up giving his life for the truth. He was murdered as he was saying Mass. He is the patron saint of Poland.
Tuesday 12th April: 3rd Tuesday of Easter.
St. Stephen and the persecuted Christians of the early Church relive the passion of Jesus. They suffer not only for Christ but also with him and like him. They are also sure that death does not have final say. They will live on with the risen Christ.
We are sustained in that journey by the true bread from heaven, Jesus. We too should hunger for him and say ‘Give us this bread always.’
Wednesday 13th April: 3rd Wednesday of Easter.
The enthusiasm of the young church is so contagious that, even in persecution, Christians use the occasion of persecution itself to preach the risen Christ. It reminds us that God does not abandon us, even in moments of difficulty and trial.
There is also great joy in the Gospel where we hear Jesus say that he is our bread of life. His word and message are for us real bread of life, something to live by and to live for.
Thursday 14th April: 3rd Thursday of Easter.
St. Luke, in the Acts reading, presents the conversion of the treasurer of the Queen of Ethiopia very much in parallel to the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus. He had the scriptures explained to him and as a result asks to be baptised.
In the Gospel, Christ speaks again of himself as the bread of life to be accepted in faith and promises to give himself in the Eucharist as for the life of the world and for eternal life.
Friday 15th April: 3rd Friday of Easter.
We hear of the conversion of Paul. Jesus identifies himself with his persecuted disciples and from this meeting Paul will serve the Lord totally.
Each time we come forward to receive Holy Communion, we encounter Christ. May it deepen our faith and enrich our commitment to following him in our daily lives.
Saturday 16th April: 3rd Saturday of Easter.
Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Peter continues the mission of Jesus. He speaks, he heals, he raises people to life.
By now, some are turning away from Jesus because they had expected a different kind of Messiah. Some who remain are still not fully convinced so Jesus confronts them. Peter makes the great act of faith. ‘To whom shall we go? You have message of eternal life.’
Alleluia, alleluia
He is risen as he said