4th Sunday of Lent (a)

4th Sunday of Lent. (a)

Times of Mass and Confession:

Sundays:                      Vigil Mass (Saturday) 6.00 p.m. & 10.00 a.m.


9.00 a.m. (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

7.00 p.m. (Monday) – note day and time change

9.30 a.m. (Friday, with school children present)

10.00 a.m. (Saturday)

Confessions:                 After Mass on Saturday morning.


Please remember the following parishioners, relatives and friends in your prayers:

Sick: John McPartland, Veronica Allan, Irene Callan, Elizabeth Brown, Patricia Allison, Bridget Ferry.

Died: James O’Conners.

Anniv: Patrick Donnachie Snr., Patrick Donnachie Jnr., Ann McHardy, Hugh Deery.


Today there will be a retiral collection for Papal & Episcopal Charities which includes SCIAF, then we have a breather !

Today: Lists are available at the back of the Church for readers, Eucharistic ministers, Passkeepers, the washing of the feet, helpers in the hall for the refreshments after the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday Masses to indicate their availability. The list for Altar Servers is in the sacristy.

Sunday: The Coffee Morning in the Hall after Mass is being organized by the Ladies group this weekend. Why not pop round to try the bacon rolls etc, and meet fellow parishioners ?

Wednesday: Service of Reconciliation and celebration of First Reconciliation at 6.30 p.m. for the boys and girls who have been preparing over the past weeks. All welcome.  After the children have made their reconciliation any adults wishing to avail themselves iof the opportunity are also welcome to go to confession.

Friday: A Lenten evening of reflection through poetry and sacred music led by the Dovecot Singers in St. Catharine’s Convent at 7.30 p.m. All welcome.  A retiral collection for the St. Catharine’s Homeless Project will be taken up.

Next Saturday/Sunday:  Representatives from Bethlehem Art will have various items available for purchase at the back of the Church.  Bethlehem Art was introduced by Christian families in and around Bethlehem to provide an income for the few Christian families still living in Bethlehem. There are fewer pilgrims and visitors to the Holy Land and so families have little means of selling their work. The items produced by local craftsmen are individually hand carved from the wood of the olive tree that are common throughout the Holy Land so take a look at the lovely art when it comes and think about offering some support.

Next Sunday: The social group are meeting in the Hall after 10.00 a.m. Mass to plan events for the year ahead. They are looking for new members and new ideas so if you are interested in finding out what is involved why not go round and meet up with them over a bacon roll.

Diary Dates:

4th April:  Service of Reconciliation in Our Lady’s at 7.00 p.m. when three priests will be available to you for individual confession and absolution.

10th April: The traditional Penitential Service will take place at 7.00 p.m. There will be five or six priests available for individual confession and absolution as part of our Lenten journey towards Easter and also as part of our efforts for the Jubilee Year of Mercy.  All welcome

13th April:                                    Holy Thursday.

                                                     Mass of the Last Supper at 7.00 p.m. followed by watching at the

Altar of Repose until Night Prayer of the Church at 10.00 p.m.

14th April:                                     Good Friday.

(A Day of Fasting and Abstinence)

                                                       Solemn  Liturgy                                   3.00 p.m.

(Liturgy of the Word, Prayers of Intercession, Veneration of the Cross and Distribution of Holy Communion)

                            Stations of the Cross & Veneration of the Cross                   7.00 p.m.

Holy Communion is NOT distributed at this Service

15th April:                                Holy Saturday

                                                   No Mass in the Morning.

                                                  Morning Prayer of the Church at 9.30 a.m.

(In accordance with the ancient tradition of the Church, confessions will not be heard today)

                                                  No 6.00 p.m. Vigil Mass in St. Cuthbert’s.

                       Vigil of the Resurrection and First Mass of Easter in St. Cuthbert’s at 8.30 p.m.

(followed by refreshments in the hall to which all are welcome)

16th April:                                Easter Sunday.

                        10.00 a.m.        Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord.

                                    (Refreshments will be served in the Hall after Mass)


The Gift Aid Envelopes for the new tax year are available from the sacristy after Mass. These are for Parishioners who kindly Gift Aid their offering so that a tax reclaim can be made. Last tax years this came to £9034.11. They come into effect on 9th April after which any remaining envelopes in your box should not be used and should be destroyed. If you are paying Tax, please consider gift aiding your offering.

The envelopes for non-Gift Aid contributors are also available after Mass.


God bless you all but especially mothers on this their special day.

Monsignor Tony