Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord (b)

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord.  (b)

Times of Mass and Confession:

Sundays:                               Vigil Mass (Saturday) 6.00 p.m. & 10.00 a.m.

Weekday:                             9.00 a.m. (Monday – Wednesday)

Confessions:                        see below


Please remember the following parishioners, relatives and friends in your prayers:

Sick: John McPartland, Annie O’Donnell, Veronica Allan, Margaret Christie, Irene Callan, Assunta Santangeli., Frances Brown.


Anniv: Anne McHardy.

Today: There is a Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Cushley entitled ‘We have found the Messiah’ in which he presents his vision for the future of the Church in the Archdiocese. This is the document, along with the letter previously issued,  on which discussion and meetings will take place after Easter.  There is a covering letter from the Archbishop to go with it.  Both items will be distributed by the Passkeepers at the end of Mass so please make sure you receive copies of both to enable you to take a full and informed role in the discussions and meetings to follow.

Today: There are lists at the back of the Church for Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Passkeepers, volunteers for the Washing of the Feet on Holy Thursday night and volunteers to help with the social events after the Easter Vigil Mass and Easter Sunday Mass.  Please sign up today if you wish to be involved in any of these areas of the Holy Week and Easter ceremonies.

Today: The new rotas for Eucharistic Minsters are ready for collection from the Sacristy after Mass.  Please collect your copy today and don’t leave it until the last minute.

Today: The new boxes of Gift Aid Envelopes are available in the sacristy after Mass.  They come into effect on 12th April after which all existing envelopes should be destroyed.  There are sets even for those who use standing orders to make their contribution.  Please take your set today and don’t leave it until the last minute.

Non gift aid envelopes are now available in the sacristy for collection for those who use them.  Please sign on the appropriate sheet.

Sunday: The Coffee Morning takes place after 10.00 a.m. in the Hall with teas, coffees, bacon rolls etc on sale. The Vocations Group will be in charge of it this weekend.

Sunday: Stations of the Cross & Benediction at 4.00 p.m. in the Church. Members of the local churches may be present.


Holy Week Mass Times and Services.


Monday:                               9.00 a.m.               Mass.

7.00 p.m.               Penitential Service with opportunity for individual confession and absolution. There will be 5 priests other than myself available for hearing confessions.


Tuesday:                               9.00 a.m.               Mass.

7.00 p.m.               Mass of the Chrism in the Cathedral. During this Mass the oils used in the Church’s liturgy throughout the year are blessed and the priests renew their promise of  commitment.


Wednesday:                         9.00 a.m.               Mass.


Thursday:                            Holy Thursday.

7.00 p.m.               Mass of the Last Supper followed by watching and praying at the Altar of repose until Night Prayer of the Church at 10.00 p.m.


Friday:                                                                                          Good Friday.

A Day of Fasting and Abstinence

                                                3.00 p.m.               Solemn Celebration of the Lord’s Passion.


7.00 p.m.               Stations of the Cross and  Veneration of the Cross.

(Please note Holy Communion is not distributed at this service)


Saturday:                             Holy Saturday.

9.30 a.m.               At the Tomb of Christ – Morning Prayer of the Church.

                                                n.b.                         There is no 6.00 p.m. Vigil Mass


                                                8.30 p.m.               Vigil of the Resurrection and

                                                                                First Mass of Easter.

                                                (refreshments will be served in the Hall after this Mass)


Next Sunday:                       Easter Sunday.

                                                10.00 a.m.             Easter Mass.

                                                (refreshments will be served in the Hall after Mass)

Diary Dates:

19th April: The 50’s and 60’s dance night is fast approaching, and there’s nothing worse than showing up to a shindig without the right moves. So shimmy on down to the church hall at 2.00 p.m. to learn how to Swing Dance like a professional. All ages and dance backgrounds welcome; blue suede shoes not required. For more information contact Victoria Stephens on 0131 443 9778.

25th April: Advance warning !  50’s & 60s Dance Night in the Church Hall with live music.  All proceeds will be going to the Parish Project Fund. It will be a BYOB and nibbles night and tickets (£6 for adults and £3.00 for children) will be on sale soon.  Please put the date in your diary and come along.



With every best wish and

blessing to you, your families and

all those who are dear to you

Monsignor Tony.