Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord (c)
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord .
Times of Mass and Confession:
Vigil Mass (Saturday) 6.00 p.m. & 10.00 a.m.
9.00 a.m. (Monday – Wednesday)
See below for other Mass times and Service times.
See below.
Please remember the following parishioners, relatives and friends in your prayers:
Sick: John McPartland, Veronica Allan, Irene Callan, Father Tony MacDonald, Wullie Gray.
Died: Margaret Christie.
Sunday: Blessing and Distribution of Palms at the beginning of the 10.00 a.m. Mass
Sunday: The coffee morning takes place after Mass with the Vocations group in charge. You are all welcome to go round to the Hall after Mass to sample the fare on offer. The Monthly draw for the 200 Club will also take place.
Sunday: Stations of the Cross at 4.00 p.m. at which members of the local churches will be present.
Monday: The traditional Penitential Service will take place at 7.00 p.m. There will be five or six priests available for individual confession and absolution as part of our Lenten journey towards Easter and also as part of our efforts for the Jubilee Year of Mercy. All welcome.
Tuesday : 9.00 a.m. Mass
7.00 p.m. Mass of the Chrism in the Cathedral. During this Mass the oils used in the Church’s liturgy throughout the year are blessed and the priests renew their promise of commitment.
Thursday: Thursday of the Lord’s Supper (Maundy Thursday).
7.00 p.m. Mass of the Last Supper followed by watching at the Altar of Repose until Night Prayer of the Church at 10.00 p.m.
Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday).
(A Day of Fasting and Abstinence)
3.00 p.m. Solemn Liturgy
(Liturgy of the Word, Prayers of Intercession, Veneration of the Cross and Distribution of Holy Communion)
7.00 p.m. Stations of the Cross & Veneration of the Cross.
Please note that Holy Communion is NOT distributed at this Service
Saturday: Holy Saturday at the Tomb of Christ.
No Mass in the Morning.
10.00 a.m. Morning Prayer of the Church.
(In accordance with the ancient tradition of the Church, confessions will not be heard today)
N.B. No 6.00 p.m. Vigil Mass in St. Cuthbert’s.
Vigil of the Resurrection and First Mass of Easter in St. Cuthbert’s at 8.30 p.m.
(followed by refreshments in the hall to which all are welcome)
Next Sunday: Easter Sunday.
10.00 a.m. Easter Mass.
(Refreshments will be served in the Hall after Mass)
Diary Dates:
4th April: Joint meeting of the Parish Pastoral Councils of St. Cuthbert’s and Our Lady’s in the house at St. Cuthbert’s at 7.00 p.m.
20th – 21st May: St. Joseph’s Sighthill are hosting the Choir of Notre Dame University from America. Part of their schedule includes a workshop on music for use at Mass. If you are interested in attending this you need to pre register by 31st March at Fuller details are on the poster in the porch.
8th – 15th July: The annual Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, led by Archbishop Cushley, will take place. Booking is now open and I have some forms and information if you are interested. I have a limited supply in the sacristy. You can also contact the travel agents direct at Tangney Tours, Pilgrim House, Station Court, Borough Green, Kent TN15 8AF (Tel. 01732.886666 or email to Booking for the Saint-Frai Centre must be done through the Hospital Booking Secretary, 61 Hailes Gardens, Edinburgh EH13 0JN – Tel 0131.441.1939.
With every best wish and Blessing
To you, your families
And all those who are dear to you.
Monsignor Tony.