1st Sunday of Advent (a)

1st Sunday of Advent.  (a)

Times of Mass and Confession:

Sundays:                               Vigil Mass (Saturday) 6.00 p.m. & 10.00 a.m.  

Weekday:                             9.00 a.m.   (Monday – Thursday)

                                                9.30 a.m. (Friday, with school children present)

10.00 a.m. (Saturday)

Confessions:                        After 10.00 a.m. Mass on Saturday

By arrangement


Please remember the following parishioners, relatives and friends in your prayers:

Sick: John McPartland, Mary McPheely, Annie O’Donnell, Veronica Allan, Margaret Christie, Lawrie Malone, Irene Callan.

Anniversaries: Margaret & Bill Fitzgerald

Died:  Gerry Lynch


Today: Please note the readings move to Cycle (a) on a Sunday and year 2 for the weekday Masses.

Today there will be a retiral collection after Mass for the Pastoral Formation Fund which supports the work of the various courses in Gillis.  It should have been taken up last Sunday but was deferred for the SCIAF Philippines’ appeal.

Today marks the start of the Advent season. As in past years, we will collect for two charities.  The first two weekends we will be collecting gifts for the children of prisoners in Saughton Prison.  These are gifts for children up to the age of 12 and, if possible, should be clearly marked with the age and sex of the child.  Often children of prisoners suffer as a result of their mother or father being in prison at this time.

Lists are at the back of the Church for readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Passkeepers and volunteers to assist at the social events in the Hall after the Christmas Masses, to indicate their availability over the Christmas and New Year period. The social events in the Hall are in particular need of helpers.

Altar servers please come to the sacristy and tick on the appropriate list about their availability for serving Mass over Christmas and New Year.

Today: There is an Advent Letter from Archbishop Cushley.  Please make sure you receive your copy as you leave Mass.

Sunday: There will be a celebration of the Children’s Liturgy during the 10.00 a.m. Mass.  During Advent, the Children’s Liturgy will be celebrated every Sunday along with some practical activities in the Hall after Mass.  The team have come up with lots of exciting ideas for the children so parents please encourage your children to go along and take part.

Sunday:  The enrolment Sunday for the children in P4 who are preparing for their Confirmation and First Communion will take place during the 10.00 a.m. Mass

Sunday: Nativity Carol Concert to mark the opening of the Advent Season and the Blessing of the Crib in St. Andrew Square Gardens at 5.00 p.m.  All welcome to go along and take part.

Diary Dates:

17th December: St. Augustine’s High School Carol Service in St. Kentigern’s at 7.00 p.m.  Refreshments will be served afterwards.  All welcome.

24th December:                    Christmas Eve.                                                     

Service of Readings and Carols at 8.30 p.m. in Our Lady’s in Currie.

This will lead straight into the First Mass of Christmas.  It is important to be in the Church for the Carols and the readings since they form an integral part of tonight’s Liturgy.

Service of Readings and Carols at 11.30 p.m.  in St. Cuthbert’s.

This will lead straight into the First Mass of Christmas at Midnight.  It is important to be in the Church for the Carols and the readings since they form an integral part of tonight’s Liturgy. Refreshments will be served in the Hall after Mass if you are able to stay.


25th December:                    The Nativity of Our Lord.


Mass at 9.30  a.m. in St. Cuthbert’s.

Refreshments will be served in the Hall after Mass if you are able to stay.

Please note that the time of Mass is changed from previous years.

This is to allow a less rushed period between Mass in St. Cuthbert’s and Mass in Our Lady’s due to Father Tom being away.

Mass at 11.30 a.m. in Our Lady’s in Currie.


Many thanks indeed for the fantastic response to the materials for the Fresh Start Food Store.  It was amazing to see how much was gathered and delivered to the base at Harrison.

This is on top of the tremendous response to the SCIAF Philippines appeal which raised £1530.73, a fantastic sum given that there was no warning about the collection being taken.  A Poster receipt from SCIAF is on the notice board in the porch.

A final word of thanks goes to those who rented tables last Sunday and those who supported them.  A total of £180.00 was raised by the ‘table rent’ and a further £365.00 was donated by some of the table holders from the proceeds of their tables and individual donations making a total for the Parish Project of £545.00.


The Ministry of Seekers is a group of young people living, working or studying in the city. This is our social group where we can grow in Faith together. It is aimed at those in their 20’s or 30’s, married or single. We meet at city centre parishes, St Mary’s Cathedral and Sacred Heart Church, but are an independent ministry. It is led by young adults for young adults. This enables us to offer our services to the wider community. We meet regularly at St Mary’s Cathedral on every 2nd Sunday and Sacred Heart Church on every 4th Sunday of every month.


With every best wish and blessing to you,

your families

and all those who are dear to you. 

Monsignor Tony.
