Solemnity of Christ the King (c)

This Week’s Liturgy Calendar. 

Sunday 24st November:                   Solemnity of Christ the King.  (c)

            The first reading is from the 2nd Book of Samuel.  The people want David to be their king and shepherd.  He is at the same time ‘of their own flesh and blood’ and close to God.  In this, he is a pale image of Jesus.

            The second reading from St. Paul’s letter to the Colossians is a great hymn of praise.  Paul gives thanks to the Father that we have a place in the kingdom of Jesus, thanks to his death on the cross.       

            The Gospel from Saint Luke reminds that by his death on the cross, Jesus became not only the King of the Jews but also the king of everyone who accepts him, even of outcasts.  The people, however, must make a choice – for or against him.


Monday 25th November:        Monday of 34th week of the year

During this last week of the Church’s year, the Book of Daniel is used.  Part of it contains the tales of the heroes of the Babylonian exile, some fictitious.  The other part has accounts of visions, often called apocalyptical which means referring to the Last Judgement.

Today’s reading recounts the faithfulness of Daniel and his three friends who refuse to compromise their faith and belief by taking food that was against their laws and traditions.

In the Gospel the poor woman is praised because of her tremendous generosity in giving a large proportion of what she had to help the poor.


Tuesday 26th November:        Tuesday of 34th week of the year.

          The second story from Daniel is a bout a King’s dream.  The King’s own interpreters and magicians could not interpret the dream for him so they are dismissed. Daniel is able to do both describe it and interpret it, after praying to God. He explains that all kingdoms will be wiped out in due course and replaced by the kingdom of the one true Gpod, the Gos of Israel.

                        In the Gospel, from Saint Luke, Jesus reminds his listeners that even the things that seem to be most permanent will disappear.  The end of the world will come with much chaos.  It is a message meant to wake us up to live the gospel now.


Wednesday 27th November:   Wednesday of 34th week of the year.

            Today’s section deals with ‘the writing on the wall.’ It is a simple one-scene story about how a sacrilege (the use of temple vessels for secular needs) is dealt with swiftly by God. Only Daniel was able to interpret the meaning. Nebuchadnezzar’s reign has been found wanting.  It will end and be replaced by a new kingdom.

The cost of discipleship is again stressed in the Gospel.  The disciples have to be clear in their minds that they will be hounded and persecuted.  Therefore, the need for perseverance is crucial.  


Thursday 28th November:     Thursday of 34th week of the year.

          Today’s reading brings us to the familiar story of Daniel in the lions’ den.  Daniel had been caught praying after the king passed a law forbidding it.  Once he realised that no harm was coming to Daniel, he believed in the God of Israel whom Daniel worshipped.  He gave orders that this was to be the God of Israel and the only God to be worshipped.           

More desolation is described in the passage from Saint Luke’s Gospel.  Eventually however, the Son of man, Christ himself, will come with power and glory.  This is a sign that our liberation is near at hand.  We should keep our heads raised in hope.


 Friday 29th November:                    Friday of 34th week of the year.

          For the last ordinary day of the Church’s year, we read from one of the apocalyptic visions of Daniel.  Today we hear of the four beasts that brought great misery to the people. In the end, they are destroyed by one who is filled with wisdom and goodness. Evil is destroyed by good.

            In the Gospel, Jesus teaches us to use nature to help see that the Kingdom of God is close at hand. The clear statement is given – ‘Stay awake.’

            Jesus reminds us to use nature, such as the life history of a fig tree, to help us to see that the Kingdom of God is close at hand.


Saturday 30th November:      Solemnity of St. Andrew.

          He is a native of Bethsaida and was a follower of John the Baptist before being called by Jesus.  He then introduced his brother, Peter, to Jesus. He brought the message of Christ to the Gentiles and is believed to have preached in many parts of the then known world.  He is the Patron Saint of Scotland, Russia and Greece.  His death on a diagonal cross is commemorated in the Scottish flag.  He introduced many to Jesus e.g. St. Peter, his brother.  He died on the cross in Achaia



Hail Redeemer, King Divine,

Priest and Lamb, the throne is thine,

King whose name creation thrills

Rule our minds our hearts our wills.

Angels, saints and nations sing,

Praised be Jesus Christ our King,

Lord of Life, earth, sky and sea,

King of Love on Calvary.