29th Sunday of the Year (c)
29th Sunday of the Year. (c)
Times of Mass and Confession:
Vigil Mass (Saturday) 6.00 p.m. & 10.00 a.m.
9.00 a.m. (Monday – Wednesday)
No Mass or service on Thursday
9.00 a.m. (Friday – Liturgy of the Word and Distribution of Holy Communion)
No Mass or service on Saturday morning.
Please remember the following parishioners, relatives and friends in your prayers:
Sick: John McPartland, Veronica Allan, Irene Callan, Antonio Arcielo, Elizabeth Brown, Patricia Allison.
Died: Bishop John Mone, retired Bishop of Paisley
Anniv: Neill Boyd, Father Jimmy Henry.
Sunday: The Coffee Morning takes place after Mass with the Noisy Nutters group running it this week. All welcome round to the Hall for bacon rolls etc
The monthly draw of the 200 Club will also take place.
Wednesday: A meeting of the Edinburgh Circle of the Newman Association, featuring a video presentation of the life and thoughts of John Henry Newman will take place at 7.30 p.m. in Mayfield Salisbury Church, 18,West Mayfield, Edinburgh EH9 1QT and will be followed by discussion.
Please note our new venue. All are warmly welcome to attend.
Next Saturday/Sunday is the World day of Prayer for the Missions. There will be a retiral collection after both Masses. If you wish to Gift Aid your donation please use one of the special collection envelopes available as you leave Mass.
Diary Dates:
2nd November: St. Cuthbert’s School Open Day from 9.30 a.m. – 10.30 a.m. and from 1.30 p.m. – 2.30 p.m. If you are new to the area and are looking for a school for your child then come along to visit. A warm welcome awaits you and your child at your local small and friendly neighbourhood school.
2nd November: There will be a meeting at 7.00 p.m. in the Church house to plan and prepare the Advent and Christmas Liturgies. If you would like to help in delivering and planning these please come along.
3rd November: The second of the cluster meetings will take place in St. Joseph’s at 7.00p.m. More details will be given in due course but in the meantime please put the date in your diary. The notes that were taken after the first meeting will be available as you leave Mass and on the Parish Web Site.
4th November: A Celebration Dinner to mark the 50th Anniversary of the opening of Our Lady’s Church in Curry will take place in St. Joseph’s Balerno with Archbishop Cushley present. Tickets (£21.00) are on sale after Mass. Please don’t leave it until the last minute to get your ticket. It will be essential when buying/ordering tickets that any dietary requirements are mentioned so that proper provision can be made.
8th November: Do you live within St. Cuthbert’s School Catchment area? Was your child born between 1st March 2012 and 28th February 2013? Your child is eligible for enrolment for the school session 2017/2018. Enrolment can take place today between 9.30 a.m. and 12 noon. Please see the poster in the porch for fuller details of what you need to take with you when enrolling your child. There are also details of the procedure for non-catchment area children applications. If you are thinking about other schools, go and visit St. Cuthbert’s first before you make your mind up.
10th November: Do you live within St. Cuthbert’s School Catchment area? Was your child born between 1st March 2012 and 28th February 2013? Your child is eligible for enrolment for the school session 2017/2018. Enrolment can take place today between 9.30 a.m. and 12 noon and between 2.00 p.m. and 3.00 p.m. Please see the poster in the porch for fuller details of what you need to take with you when enrolling your child. There are also details of the procedure for non-catchment area children applications. If you are thinking about other schools, go and visit St. Cuthbert’s first before you make your mind up.
You are also welcome to visit the school prior to enrolling to see what the staff and pupils have to offer your child.
The Card Stall has the new edition of ‘Living Faith’ booklets ready for sale or collection.
Many thanks are due to those who will be leading the Liturgies during the week while I am in Lourdes as chaplain to a national Group from all over the U.K. In the event of an emergency please contact Father Tom (449.2372) or Father Tony Quinlan (453.5035). My thanks also go to those who will be looking after the house. I will be remembering you in my prayers while I am in Lourdes. If you wish petitions taken please get them to me by Wednesday evening. I leave very early on Thursday morning.
With every best wish and Blessing
To you, your families
and those who are dear to you
Monsignor Tony
Discussion Groups Feedback
Question 1: What works/could work well in parish cluster.
- Sacramental preparation.There was considerable agreement that this could be delivered on a cluster basis, with a number of advantages:
- Children
- While the role of the primary schools was acknowledged, it was felt that a cluster approach would allow children to meet, become familiar with clergy and the “host” church on an ongoing basis.
- Those children who do not attend Catholic schools would share equally with other children in Sacramental Preparation.
- Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation could be celebrated in one church for all cluster children.
- Marriage
- Marriage preparation could easily be delivered within small groups on a cluster basis, saving repetition of provision.
- Joint Social Events.
There was considerable support for the idea of joint social events such as Senior Citizens’ Parties, St Patrick’s and Burn’s celebrations, ceilis etc. These would enable parishioners of all cluster parishes to come together and build community, dispelling any feelings “them and us.”
- Joint Faith Events.
- Events such as retreats, pilgrimages and prayer services/groups could be organised as cluster events, rather than being duplicated within individual parishes. These could become more viable, both financially and in terms of participating numbers.
- Joint Penitential Services were agreed to be desirable and successful.
- Cluster Parish Ministry.
Some groups felt that parish ministries could be carried out on a cluster basis. These included
- Bereavement Group
- Music Ministry
- Liturgy Group
- Fabric and Finance Committee
- Parish Pastoral Council
- Justice and Peace
- Mary’s Meals and other charities
- Ecumenical Group
- Other Points
- Sharing of priests
- Staggered Mass times
Question 2: What should continue within individual parishes.
The following points were asserted by one or more groups, with the first three receiving considerable support and emphasis:
- Each parish should have at least one Sunday Mass.
- Eucharistic Services should be promoted and developed within each parish.
- Parishioners should be encouraged and trained to undertake duties which do not need to be carried out by a priest e.g conducting Eucharistic Services, finance, maintenance etc.
- Positive links with local schools.
- Children’s Liturgy within Sunday Mass.
- Funerals, weddings, baptisms and parish celebrations.
- Special Occasion celebrations e.g Easter, Christmas, Funerals.
- All parish groups should be retained within their parishes e.g SVP, Music and Liturgy Groups, social events etc.
Other points seen to be important were
Visiting sick and housebound.
Separate Parish Councils with forum for joint meetings.
If a decision were taken to close parishes, land should be sold to pay for the building of a new church to provide a “level playing field” – each parishioners beginning afresh as a member of a new parish with a new identity.
Next Meeting
November 3rd
St. Joseph’s
Teas/coffees at 7.00 p.m.
Session starts at 7.30 p.m.
Finishes at 9.00 p.m.