2nd Sunday of Advent (c)

2nd Sunday of Advent. (c)

Times of Mass and Confession:


Vigil Mass (Saturday) 6.00 p.m. & 10.00 a.m.


9.00 a.m. (Tuesday – Thursday)

Monday – No Mass or Service in St. Cuthbert’s.

10.00 a.m. (Saturday – Funeral Mass)


After Mass on Saturdays

By arrangement.


Please remember the following parishioners, relatives and friends in your prayers:

Sick: Caroline McNeish, Patricia Allison, Elizabeth Brown.


Anniv: George Bruce, Joseph O’Neill, Jess Wight.


Today: The Advent Tree is in place along with the baskets of tags from you can choose a task you would undertake in the course of the week.

As in past years, we will collect for two charities. The first two weekends we will be collecting gifts for the children of prisoners in Saughton Prison.  These are gifts for children up to the age of 12 and, if possible, should be clearly marked with the age and sex of the child.  Often children of prisoners suffer as a result of their mother or father being in prison at this time. Last year there was a difficulty meeting the demand for boys’ presents in general, but particularly older boys. Music or book tokens would be very welcome or even gift cards that could be put towards PlayStation or Xbox related items. These can be purchased in most supermarkets. Thank you in anticipation of your kindness.

Lists are at the back of the Church for readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Passkeepers and volunteers to assist at the social events in the Hall after the Christmas Masses, to indicate their availability over the Christmas and New Year period. The social events in the Hall are in particular need of helpers.

Altar servers please come to the sacristy and tick on the appropriate list about their availability for serving Mass over Christmas and New Year.

Today the final bonus ball sheet of the year will be available for the draw of 22nd of December.  A prize of £30.00 will be available and £29.00 will go the Parish Project Fund.

Sunday: During Advent, the Children’s Liturgy will be celebrated every Sunday. The team have come up with lots of exciting ideas for the children so parents please encourage your children to go along and take part.

Sunday: The coffee morning takes place in the Hall after Mass. The Noisy Nutters group will be in charge today.  Why not go round to the Hall after Mass and sample the goods on offer.

Sunday: The Archbishop will be leading the second of three sessions for young adults on ‘Faith, Hope and Love’ in the Gillis Centre. Booking is needed and the contact address is on the fliers or poster as you leave Mass.

Tuesday: The Newman Society lecture will take place in Mayfield Salisbury Church on the theme “For see, the winter is over – The Advent herald of Hope and Life”. It will be given by Fr. Jim Lawlor, Parish Priest, Glasgow. All warmly welcome to come along. A donation is requested to cover our costs.

Thursday: Penitential Service in Our Lady’s at 7.00 p.m. This gives an opportunity for Confession before Christmas. Father Tom and I will be available.

Next Sunday there will a Ceremony of Light during the 10.00 a.m. during which the children preparing for their First Reconciliation will take part.

Next Sunday, we will begin the collection of gifts for the homeless of Edinburgh itself. These will be distributed through the St. Catharine’s Homeless Project.


Diary Dates:

17th December: Penitential Service in St. Cuthbert’s at 7.00 p.m. At least five priests will be available for individual confession and absolution as part of our preparation for Christmas.

19th December: St. Augustine’s High School Annual Christmas service, followed by a musical celebration of Christmas at 6.30 p.m. in the school theatre. All welcome.

20th December: The daily Mass will be at 7.00 p.m. and following on the efforts in previous times there will be Big Clean of the Church in preparation for Christmas. It would be tremendous to see a big crowd both at the Mass and also staying on to help with the clean up.


Very many thanks  to all those who organised and planned the recent St. Andrew’s Night social event whether by playing, cooking working or coming along to enjoy yourself.  Again it was great to see so many there.  The event raised an incredible £1180.70p.  Along with some very generous donations also received this means the current total is £9887.55 – an amazing achievement.


With every best wish and Advent blessing to you,

your families and all those who are dear to you

Monsignor Tony.