33rd Week of the Year

33rd Sunday of the Year.  (c)


Times of Mass and Confession:

Sundays:                               Vigil Mass (Saturday) 6.00 p.m. & 10.00 a.m.

Weekday:                             9.00 a.m.   (Monday – Friday)

10.00 a.m. (Saturday)

Confessions:                        After 10.00 a.m. Mass on Saturday

By arrangement


Please remember the following parishioners, relatives and friends in your prayers:

Sick: John McPartland, Mary McPheely, Annie O’Donnell, Veronica Allan, Margaret Christie, Lawrie Malone, Irene Callan.

Anniversaries: Margaret Forker, Cathal McTiernan, Marjory Blythe, Owen Forker, Marjory Coll,

Died: Jacek Blaszczyk, Rita Allison, Ken  Lee, Gennaro Cortellessa.


Today: SCIAF have launched a Philippines Appeal to respond to the devastation and trauma of the recent typhoon which swept through the islands affecting over 9.5 million inhabitants. You will have seen the images on your televisions.  SCIAF is working with their Caritas partners in the region to get help to those who need it most.  Caritas Philippines and the Catholic Relief Services have already reached many of the worst affected areas and are providing vital services of food, safe drinking water, medicines and shelter.  If you can help by giving something in the retiral collection at the end of Mass it would be much appreciated.  It is not too long since the Syrian appeal to which you responded with great generosity.  Maybe you can do the same again please.

Today marks the start of Prisoners’ Week which has as its theme ‘Time to Change.’ We are asked to remember in our prayers, prisoners, their families and friends, prison staff, chaplains and all those who care for the victims of crime especially the victims themselves.

Sunday: The Hall work while not fully completed is sufficiently advanced to allow the normal Sunday Coffee Mornings to resume after 10.00 a.m. Mass with the Vocations group in charge.  Bacon rolls etc will be available.

Monday:  Mass of Remembrance for former pupils, staff and friends of St. Thomas’ High School.  It will take place in the Oratory at the School at 7.00 p.m.  All welcome.

Tuesday: Mass of Remembrance for former pupils, staff and friends of St. Augustine’s High School.  It will take place in the Oratory at the School at 7.00 p.m.  All welcome.

Next Saturday/Sunday is the Feast of Christ the King.  It will be the first Sunday that we gather food for the Fresh Start Food Station project.  There are still copies of the lists of foods needed available as you leave Mass. Please do not bring anything that is not on the list.

Next Sunday: Rent-a-Table to raise funds for the Parish Project. This is an opportunity to show off your skills and talents in a different way. It will take place in tandem with the Coffee Morning after Mass. So far there are 11 table holders who need your support. Baking, crafts are all on sale.  Table holders can set up their table either on Saturday morning between 10.30 a.m. and 12 noon or on Sunday morning from 9.30 a.m.  For further information contact Frances Divit, 444.1635 or Ben Malone 443.1708.  There is a list at the back of the Church on which you can sign if interested. The £15 charge is now due and should be paid before the sale starts

Next Sunday: There will be an opportunity to reflect and discuss the document issued for the Synod of Bishops scheduled to take place next year with fellow parishioners in the Church Hall at St. Cuthbert’s at 2.00 p.m.  The meeting will finish with Benediction in the Church at 4.00 p.m. marking the end of the Year of Faith. There are still copies of the document available as you leave Mass.

All responses whether individual or group have to be returned to Archbishop Cushley at the Gillis Centre by December 15th


Diary Dates:

.26th November: Meeting in the Hall at 7.00 p.m. for the parents of children in P4 who are preparing for Confirmation & First Communion.  I hope every child will be represented.  The children do not need to be present.

27th November: Meeting in the hall at 7.00 p.m. for the parents of children in P3 preparing for the celebration of their First Reconciliation.  I hope every child will be represented.  The children do not need to be present.

29th November: Annual Mass for deceased parishioners, relatives and friends of St. Cuthbert’s at 7.00 p.m.  Last year there was some comment that a Sunday afternoon was not necessarily the best time due to peoples’ commitments so for this year it is being tried at a different time and day.  It will be reviewed afterwards.

30th November: Coffee Morning and Auction at St. Catharine’s Convent in Lauriston Gardens from 10.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.  All proceeds in aid of the Homeless Project based at the Convent.  All welcome.


The Hall Kitchen is almost back to normal.  In the course of the work an incredible amount of out of date food sauce and other materials were unearthed.  The general materials have either been returned or binned.  It is essential that other users e.g. coffee morning organisers go round and decide what they want to keep from their stores.  All the group material is still in the side Hall.  Anything left after next Sunday will be considered rubbish and disposed of accordingly.  No loose food should ever be left e.g. cakes and pancakes.  No food out of date should be left.  Anything which really has to be left should be in a sealed container not an open box and above all be kept tidily. Any kitchen equipment or utensils used should be washed thoroughly after use.


Job Vacancy: The opportunity has arisen within the Archdiocese for the post of secretary, forming part of a team supporting the secretarial requirements of Archbishop Cushley.  For an application form please contact Robert Belderbos at the Gillis Centre or by email on Robert.belderbos@staned.org.uk.  The closing date for applications is November 22nd. More information is on the poster in the porch.

With every best wish and blessing to you,

your families

and all those who are dear to you. 

Monsignor Tony.