Pentecost (c)

Ordinary Season of the Year.  (c)

Weekdays – Year 2

Sunday 19th May:                  Solemnity of Pentecost (c).

Today we celebrate the great feast of Pentecost, the fiftieth and final day of the Easter season. We celebrate the completion of the Easter mystery in the coming of the Holy Spirit and ask for the gift of that same Spirit as we gather today.

The first reading is from the Acts of the Apostles. St. Luke describes the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and the effect it had on them.

The second reading is from the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans. We are reminded that God gives us life through the Spirit at work in us.  He enables us to live in unity and peace with one another.

The Gospel passage, from St. John, we are reminded how the Risen Jesus gives the gift of the Holy Spirit to the disciples and inaugurates the mission of the Church.

Monday 20th May:       Monday in 7th week of the year.

          We move back into the ordinary cycle of the readings for year 1.  The first reading comes from the wisdom book of Ben Sirach, a high placed Jewish official of Jerusalem in the 2nd century BC.  This Book is also known as the Book of Ecclesiasticus.  He begins his teaching by reminding us that, whatever wisdom we can attain in human terms, falls short of the wisdom that comes from God.

The Gospel passages come from St. Mark.  Today we read of Jesus healing a man who is possessed.  He demands faith and trusting prayer, otherwise we are closed to God’s action and grace.


Tuesday 21st May:        Tuesday in the 7th week of the year.

Today we read of the sufferings that come to people who are good and test them as gold in a fire.

Jesus foretells his passion, death and resurrection for the second time but the disciples still do not understand.  Do we?  Do we understand the cross when it is placed on our shoulders?


Wednesday 22nd May:                     Wednesday in 7th week of the year.

          The search for Wisdom must be one of the main tasks of each person.  This search is a sign that a person loves life.  God is part of the search for God blesses those who seek wisdom.

It can be very easy to ridicule the good done by others if they do not belong.  Jesus appreciated whatever good done by anyone whether one of his followers or not.

Thursday 23rd May:               Thursday in 7th week of the year.

While the Bible speaks constantly of forgiveness, it always keeps condemning presumption whether in our own strength or possessions or in the very patience of God with sinners.  It is people who are aware of their weakness who attract God’s pardon.

In a series of not too well connected words of the Lord to his disciples, we notice for example, his great concern for the ‘little ones’ – the ordinary follower who is not an expert or well versed in doctrine and theology.


Friday 24th May:                    Friday in 7th week of the year.

Today, the author speaks of friendship.  It still falls short of the ideal put forward by Jesus who made willingness to die for a friend a benchmark of true friendship.

For Christ, marriage is meant by the Father to be indissoluble since it mirrors God’s love for each one of us.  His love is faithful and permanent.  Married love is to be the same.


Saturday 25th May:               Saturday in the 7th  week of the year.

          This section of the Book of Ecclesiasticus is a reflection on the opening book of the bible, dealing with creation.  He stresses the role of humanity as masters of creation.  Therefore, we are responsible for the whole of creation.

Jesus gives us a good practical example of how we are to be – like little children.  Otherwise, we shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.



Send forth your Spirit, O Lord

And renew the face of the earth.