Pentecost (c)

Solemnity of Pentecost. (c)

Times of Mass and Confession:
Sundays: Vigil Mass (Saturday) 6.00 p.m. & 10.00 a.m.
Weekday: 9.00 a.m. (Monday – Friday)
10.00 a.m. (Saturday)
Confessions: After 10.00 a.m. Mass (Saturdays)
Other times – by arrangement.
Please remember the following parishioners, relatives and friends in your prayers:
Sick: Catherine Wilson, John McPartland, Mary McPheely, Annie O’Donnell, Veronica Allan, Margaret Christie, Mary Pike, Jean Lund, Rita Allison.
Died: Colm Wallace. Joe O’Donnell, John Wallace, Catherine Mallon.
Annniversaries: Michael Fallon, Thomas Hand, Maggie Kelly, Hellen Crossan.
Today is the third Sunday of May, the month traditionally associated with Our Lady in the life of the Church. As in the past couple of years, flowers would be welcomed to create a shrine around the statue of Our Lady. These will be gathered at the start of Mass by children present. Please feel free to bring a single flower or a bunch. Many thanks to those who brought them last week.
Today: The new readers’ rota is ready for collection. Readers please collect your copy from the sacristy after Mass. It came into effect last week.
Some Eucharistic Ministers have still not collected their new rotas
Sunday: The coffee/tea/bacon rolls in the Hall after 10.00 a.m. Mass are being organised by the Vocations group this weekend. Why not go round to the Hall after Mass and meet up with fellow parishioners and taste what is on offer.
The monthly draw for the 200 Club will also take place.
Sunday: Pentecost Mass in the Cathedral at 3.00 p.m. This is especially for all those who have become members of the Church recently and their families. All are welcome. Fuller details are on the poster in the porch.

Diary Dates:
27th May: First in a series of talks at the Lauriston Centre under the title ‘Prayer, Trust and Freedom.’ Each talk begins at 7.30 p.m. and the first one is by Father Gero McLoughlin S.J. on ’Prayer in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.’ All welcome. Fuller details are on the poster in the porch.
2nd June: Celebration of Confirmation and First Communion during the 10.00 a.m. Mass. Seats will be reserved for the children and their immediate families at the front of the Church. All are welcome to come along and support the children in the latest landmark in their journey of faith. Refreshments will be served in the Hall afterwards.

S.C.I.A.F ‘Wee Boxes’: If you used these as part of your Lenten efforts and collected during Lent for SCIAF please return the money from the boxes direct to SCIAF as soon as possible. The money collected can be gift aided by following the instructions on the side of the box.

Over the past months small bronze coins and the occasional silver ones have been collected with the proceeds going to the Parish Project. This collecting is starting up again either via the Card Stall or at the Thursday morning Coffee Morning. The proceeds will again go to the Parish Project once a new one has been chosen.
If you have any suggestions for a new project, either abroad, in the U.K. or here in the City please let me know so that a considered choice can be made. The only thing to remember is that the project wherever it is must be approved and registered.

Urgent: For a variety of reasons, all three leaders of the rainbow pack, who have given sterling service over several years, will be leaving at the end of the term due to work commitments elsewhere and the end of studies at University. Many new rainbows are expected to join the pack after the summer holidays and it is essential to have new leaders to look after them. If you think you can help please contact Kathy Wallace, the Slateford- Longstone District Commissioner on 07742.454213 as soon as possible. New members of the pack are also welcome due to some of the existing girls moving on to the Brownies. It meets in the hall on a Thursday at 5.30 p.m.

The Organisers of last Sunday’s afternoon teas in aid of Cancer Research UK are very grateful for the support received from parishioners. As a result almost £1800 was raised.

With every best wish and blessing to you,
your families
and all those who are dear to you.
Monsignor Tony.