Solemnity of the Body & Blood of Christ (b)

This Week’s Liturgy Calendar.

Ordinary Cycle of the Year (b)

Weekdays – Year 1

Sunday 7th June:   Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. (B)  – Corpus Christi.

            In the first reading, from the Book of Exodus, we hear how Moses made an agreement with God on behalf of the people and sealed this ‘covenant’ in blood according to the tradition of the people.

The Letter to the Hebrews tells us how the new covenant we celebrate was sealed in the blood of Jesus himself.

Finally, at the Last Supper, from St. Marks account, Jesus gives himself, his body and blood as a gift to his followers and for our salvation.

Monday 8th June:         Monday of the 10th week of the year.      

The first reading for the ordinary days moves to the second letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians., a major crossroads for traders from East and West. Paul begins his letter in his normal way – setting out his credentials and then a forma greeting, this time including Timothy as well as himself. This is followed by a prayer of praise to God, thanking him for his presence in difficult times.

In the Gospel, now from St. Matthew, we move to the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus continues his radical teaching.   He presents his expectations and ideals for his followers.

Tuesday 9th June:                   Feast of St. Columba.

          Columba was born in Gartan in County Donegal in 521 into a family of royal lineage. He became a monk at Clonard and was ordained a priest where he was trained by St. Finian. He began founding monasteries in Derry, Durrow and possible Kells before travelling to Scotland and landing in Iona. From here, his monks travelled all over evangelising the local tribes and their kings. His influence reached as far at Northumbria. Iona became known as a place of pilgrimage and as a centre of missionary expansion. He died in 597.

Wednesday 10th June:     Wednesday of 10th week of the year.

          Paul was often challenged about calling himself an apostle. He gives his defence for the title he claims was given him by Jesus and then goes on to show how he is called to build up the people as people of the new covenant, a covenant which is so superior and will last forever.

Jesus echoes this theme. The law of the old Covenant was good but now he has come to fulfil the old covenant and complete with a new Covenant.

Thursday 11th June:    Memorial of St. Barnabas.

Barnabas was a Jewish Levite from Cyprus. He was not one of the original twelve apostles but has always been identified as an apostle because of the work he carried out in the early Church. He was noted for his generosity and for encouraging the early Christians to persevere in their new found faith. He worked in Antioch where he brought St. Paul. He worked with Paul on his first missionary journey and later went to Cyprus with St. Mark.

Friday 12th June:                   Solemnity of the Sacred Heart.

          Today the Church celebrates the immense love of God for us, revealed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. His heart is a symbol of that love.

Saturday 13th June:      Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

This feast has its roots in the apostolate of St. John Eudes and apostle of devotion to the hearts of Jesus and Mary. Pius XII dedicated the Church and the whole human race to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on December 8th 1942, the twenty fifth anniversary of the apparitions of Fatima. He placed the feast originally in August but it has now been moved to its present date to be closer to the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

