Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (b)

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. (b)

Times of Mass and Confession:
Sundays: Vigil Mass (Saturday) 6.00 p.m. & 10.00 a.m.
Weekdays: 9.00 a.m. (Monday – Friday)
10.00 a.m. (Saturday)
Confessions: After Mass on Saturday morning.
Please remember the following parishioners, relatives and friends in your prayers:
Sick: John McPartland, Veronica Allan, Irene Callan, Elizabeth Brown, Patricia Allison, Bridget Ferry, Nora Wood.
Anniv: Tom Gaughan.
Today there will be retiral collection help meet the costs of supporting the Retired Priests of the Archdiocese. If you Gift Aid your donation please do not use the Special Collection envelopes in your book of envelopes but take one of the special ones available at the back of the Church.
Today: The new readers’ rota is ready for collection. Please take your copy today since it comes into effect next weekend.
Sunday: The Coffee Morning will take place after 10.00 a.m. Mass with the Ladies group in charge. All welcome to go round to the Hall after Mass.
Next Sunday: Celebration of First Holy Communion during the 10.00 a.m. Mass. Seats will be reserved in the centre aisle for the children and their immediate families.
Next Sunday: The Annual Pilgrimage in honour of St. Margaret takes place in Dunfermline. Full details are on the poster in the porch, giving details of times for Procession and Mass. There are also fliers available for you to take as you leave Mass.
Diary Dates:
10th June: The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland have designated as the day for Life and asked that a retiral collection be taken up for the work of the Apostolate of Life. This year they are asking that we focus on the terrible crime of trafficking
11th June: Meeting of Parish Fabric & Finance Committee at 7.00 p.m. in the house.
Parish Projects: The recent Tea dance raised an amazing £611.50 for the fund. Many thanks go to those who worked so hard to organise this and to those who came along to support it. It brings the total to £5282.80 with the quiz total still to be added. It was good to see so many enjoying themselves. The quiz raised £159.20 and the correct answers are on the notice board. There were only three all correct answers, surprisingly, from all the entrant and the winner of the Scottish Goodie Bag and £5.00 prize was Laurie Malone.
This makes the new total £5446.92
Sensitive Issue: Someone asked me recently if the only way your name comes off the request for prayers for the sick is by dying. Obviously this is not the case but it did alert me to the fact that some names have been on for a significant time and no one seems to know who some of the people are and whether they should still be on the list. Therefore I propose to take all the names off the list from the first weekend in June unless someone from the family asks that they be kept on. The list would then be built up again. It is best if it is a family member makes this request since it can happen that someone does not want their name on the list and a well intentioned neighbour, friend or parishioner has made the request without asking the person’s permission.
The Stall has the current issue of ‘Day by Day’ covering June/July now available for collection by those of you who have it on order. Please collect your copy as soon as possible.
Clustering Process Update: Last weekend, a letter from Archbishop, outlining his proposals for the way forward, was read or distributed in those Parishes which are to be affected by his plans. This affects Our Lady’s in Currie directly and St. Cuthbert’s indirectly. In his letter to the Parishioners of Our Lady’s he says,
“I am writing this to let you know that, it is my proposal that I have decided to maintain the parish of Our Lady, Mother of the Church and that the church building should remain open as a place of worship. However, there is an important change that I have decided to make regarding the Parish boundaries.
It is my proposal that the territory of St. Mary’s Ratho be added to that of Our Lady, Mother of the Church so that they become one parish. It is my further proposal that St. Mary’s Church in Ratho be closed as a place of worship and that the parishioners from Ratho would become parishioners of Our Lady, Mother of the Church, Currie.”
He also outlines the steps that are to be taken before a final decision is reached and promulgated. He asks for prayers for the Archdiocese especially for those parishes facing difficult decisions at this time. This means that in addition to the Parish of Our Lady’s as it is I will be responsible for the existing geographical area and more importantly the existing parishioners of St. Mary’s once the final decision is reached. No details are to hand as yet as to what this will involve or a time line but once things become clearer I will keep you informed. However, in accordance with Canon Law, once a final decree is issued parishioners have a right to forward objections to Archbishop Cushley within 10 days. Objections may also be forwarded to Rome within a calendar month. If objections are sent to Rome, then that will delay implementation of the proposals until such time as Rome makes a considered response.

With every best wish and Blessing
To you, your families
and those who are dear to you,
Monsignor Tony