12th Sunday of the Year (b)
12th Sunday of the Year. (b)
Times of Mass and Confession:
Vigil Mass (Saturday) 6.00 p.m. & 10.00 a.m.
n.b. 11.00 a.m. (Monday, with school children present)
9.00 a.m. (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
n.b 9.30 a.m. (Friday, with school children present)
10.00 a.m. (Saturday)
After 10.00 a.m. Mass on Saturday and by arrangement.
Please remember the following parishioners, relatives and friends in your prayers:
Sick: John McPartland, Annie O’Donnell, Veronica Allan, Margaret Christie, Irene Callan, Assunta Santangeli., Monsignor Regan, Monsignor Rae, Father Tony MacDonald.
Died: Arthur Friel, Catherine Hagan.
Anniv: Honor McGowan.
Today: Summer Clothes Bank Uplift. We are looking for any unwanted clothing/paired shoes, belts, bags and soft toys for our Summer Clothes Bank collection in June. All donations will be weighed and we will receive 50p per kilo (approx. £5 per black bag). Bags can be handed in after evening Mass on 20th June or on the morning of 21st June. The pickup has been delayed so you can still bring bags after today’s date. All proceeds will go to the Parish Project.
Today: Congratulations to those who completed the Sponsored Walk in aid of Parish Project Fund recently and those who walked even further than they needed to ! Any monies due should be returned as quickly as possible please.
Sunday: The normal Coffee Morning resumes after 10.00 a.m. Mass with the Vocations Group in charge. The half yearly draw for the 200 club will also take place with prizes of £200 and £50 for the lucky winners.
Monday: Please note Mass will be at 11.00 a.m. This will be a Mass of Thanksgiving to mark the retirement of Mrs. Taylor as Head Teacher of St. Cuthbert’s School. We wish her well as she embarks on this new era in her life. All are welcome.
Friday: Mass is at 9.30 a.m. to mark the end of term and also to pray for the P7 pupils as they move on to their next stage of education. All welcome.
Saturday: Annual Barbeque & Quiz Night after the evening Mass. Tickets are on sale after Mass, priced £7.00 and £3.00 which includes two burgers. It is a bring your own bottle event with all proceeds going to the Parish project.
Next Sunday: The Parish of St. Margaret’s in Dunfermline will play host to a revitalised and new summer pilgrimage in honour of St Margaret of Scotland.
If you plan to attend, please let Fr Chris Heenan know so he can gauge the number of Pilgrim Books (£1) to prepare. Email: st.margaretdunfermline@gmail.com
Diary Dates:
10th July: The Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes leaves. If you wish to have petitions taken there will be a box at the back of the Church into which you can put them. Please put them in a sealed envelope. Please do not put any money in the envelopes.
Many thanks to all those involved in the celebrations of Confirmation and First Communion. As always a lot of hard work goes on unseen behind the scenes in terms of preparing the Church, and the refreshments afterwards. Thank you to the parishioners who came along to support in prayer the children as they took the next step on their journey of faith; thank you to the families and friends of the children who were there; to their parents and teacher, who have worked hard with them and for them over these past months, to the musicians and finally a thank you to the children themselves. They are a credit to their families and to themselves. May they continue to grow in their faith in the years ahead.
Archdiocesan Restructuring: The Archbishop has written to Parish Priests in a letter dated 12th June and received on 13th June as follows: “In the autumn, I intend to start visiting our parishes, cluster by cluster, to discuss the future of our structures with you and your people directly. I hope to lay before you a timetable for these visits, to be mutually agreed between each cluster’s Parish Priests and me. The shape of the meeting, in broad strokes, will be the same: an invitation to all Catholics living in a given cluster to assemble in a convenient location for a very simple celebration of Mass; a cup of tea and a full discussion of the talents, resources and possibilities for the future of each of these pastoral groupings. I hope to have a full and positive exchange of views in order to build as complete a picture as possible of what we may be able to achieve at the cluster level. The intention therefore would be to focus first of all upon the betterment of our preaching the Word, the celebration of the sacraments and the education of our people in the Catholic faith, with a special thought to our young people, the elderly and the poor. In this regard you may wish to start considering where such a meeting might be held, cluster by cluster and to consider a day (Mon- Sat) and a time that would be most convenient to your people. The office for Pastoral Resources will be in touch in the autumn deanery by deanery to organise the dates and venues. Let me express already my gratitude to you for what will be a complex and challenging exercise; but I am confident, that, with good will, this can be a positive and affirming exercise for the communities we serve.”
With every best wish and blessing
To you, your families
And all those who are dear to you.
Monsignor Tony.