15th Sunday of the Year (b)

15th Sunday of the Year. (b)

Times of Mass and Confession:


Vigil Mass (Saturday) 6.00 p.m. & 10.00 a.m.  


9.00 a.m. (Monday – Friday)

10.00 a.m. (Saturday)


After 10.00 a.m. Mass on Saturday.

Other times by arrangement.


Please remember the following parishioners, relatives and friends in your prayers:

Sick: Caroline McNeish Patricia Allison, Ian Petrie, Elizabeth Brown, Tony Stanton.

Anniv: Julia Gaughan.



Today: The next Bonus Ball sheet is available for the draw of 21st July. Each entry costs £1.00 with a prize of £30 and £29 going to the Parish Project.

Sunday being the third Sunday of the month the draw will take place for the three £10.00 prizes in the 200 Club. Since there is no coffee morning the draw will take place in the sacristy after Mass.

Tuesday: The Director of the Vatican Observatory, Brother Guy Consolmagno SJ, will be presenting his talk “Adventures of a Vatican Astronomer” on Thursday 19th July at 7.30pm at the Lauriston Jesuit Centre in Edinburgh. All are very welcome. Brother Guy Consolmagno is both a Jesuit brother and a planetary scientist at the Vatican Observatory, splitting his time between the meteorite collection in Rome and the Vatican telescope in Arizona. Thanks to his Vatican connections, his work has sent him around the world several times to dozens of countries and every continent (including a meteorite hunting expedition to Antarctica). In this talk in Edinburgh he will share some of those adventures, and reflect on the larger meaning of the common experience of scientists… not only what they do, but why they do it

As the holiday season is now upon us will all Readers, Eucharistic Ministers and Altar Servers please remember to ensure they have arranged cover if they are going to be away. This is especially important when a visiting priest is here to celebrate Mass.  Please use the ‘post its’ in the sacristy to let me know about any swaps you make.

Holidays:  If you are going away, I hope you have a safe journey and come back refreshed and relaxed.  If you are staying at home, I hope you find some time to relax and take a break from your usual routine. If you are a visitor, you are welcome to our Parish, our city and our country.


The Parish Barbeque held recently in St. Cuthbert’s raised £575.00 Along with some donations this means the total raised for the Parish Project is an amazing £6348.64. Thank you to those whom organised and those supported the bar beque. Well done. There is still time to organise a fund raiser. The money will be handed over in December to the two charities.


With every best wish and Blessing

To you, your families

and those who are dear to you

Monsignor Tony