28th Sunday of the Year (c)
28th Sunday of the Year. (c)
Times of Mass and Confession:
Vigil Mass (Saturday) 6.00 p.m. & 10.00 a.m.
9.00 a.m. (Monday – Friday)
10.00 a.m. (Saturday)
After 10.00 a.m. Mass on Saturday.
Please remember the following parishioners, relatives and friends in your prayers:
Sick: John McPartland, Veronica Allan, Irene Callan, Antonio Arcielo, Elizabeth Brown, Patricia Allison.
Died: Bernadette McManus,
Anniv: Margaret & Robert Stafford.
Sunday: The Coffee Morning takes place after Mass with the Noisy Nutters group running it this week. All welcome round to the Hall for bacon rolls etc
Wednesday: Afternoon tea and raffle at Gillis Centre between 2.00 p.m. and 4.00 p.m. in aid of Lifeline. The cost is £5, booking is essential by ringing 623 8911. Come and enjoy home baking at its best and help Lifeline continue its valuable work.
Diary Dates:
19th October: A meeting of the Edinburgh Circle of the Newman Association, featuring a video presentation of the life and thought of John Henry Newman will take place at 7.30 p.m in Mayfield Salisbury Church, 18,West Mayfield, Edinburgh EH9 1QT and will be followed by discussion.
Please note our new venue. All are warmly welcome to attend.
2nd November: There will be a meeting at 7.00 p.m. in the Church house to plan and prepare the Advent and Christmas Liturgies. If you would like to help in delivering and planning these please come along.
3rd November: The second of the cluster meetings will take place in St. Joseph’s. More details will be given in due course but in the meantime please put the date in your diary.
4th November: A Celebration Dinner to mark the 50th Anniversary of the opening of Our Lady’s Church will take place in St. Joseph’s Balerno with Archbishop Cushley present. Tickets (£21.00) are on sale after Mass. Please don’t leave it until the last minute to get your ticket. It will be essential when buying/ordering tickets that any dietary requirements are mentioned so that proper provision can be made.
The Card Stall has the new edition of ‘Living Faith’ booklets ready for sale or collection.
With every best wish and Blessing
To you, your families
and those who are dear to you
Monsignor Tony